Cool Brainteasers Logical Puzzles

Crack the code puzzle brainteaser

It is always fun to play with crack the code puzzles. Some puzzles come with numbers to play with so some others come with pictures where you need to find out the correct code. Here are some of these puzzles I published earlier. Try these out, I am sure these will challenge you. CAN YOU […]

Cool Brainteasers Math Puzzles

Clock Table Penguin Brainteaser Puzzle

Clock Table Penguin Brainteaser Puzzle is like solving math equations. You are given a picture puzzle which has items like clock, table, and a Penguin. You need to figure out what would be answer of last equation. Let’s see if you can solve this. Clock Table Penguin Brainteaser Puzzle Also Try: HOW MANY GIRLS HAVE […]

Cool Brainteasers Logical Puzzles

How many girls have had all these four items brain teaser?

Brain teasers which require a little math and reasoning are always fun to solve. Here is another such brainteaser. You need to find out that How many girls have had all these four items which are bag, shoe, umbrella and ring. 100 girls were attending a party. 85 of them had a red bag, 75 […]

Find Puzzles

Popular Words puzzle Game Level 1-500 Answers

Popular words is a puzzle game where you are asked a fill in the blank question just like you might have seen on tv games show like Family Feud. You can download game from google play or apple App store Also Try: WHO IS THE COIN THIEF PUZZLE Popular Words puzzle Game Level 1-500 Answers […]

Cool Brainteasers

Who is the coin thief puzzle

Here is a new puzzle for you to solve. A coin is stolen, can you find out who the coin thief is? Rammy has a gold coin. One day, his 4 friends, Alex, John, Mark and Niki came to his house for the party. Next day, Rammy found out that his gold coin was missing. […]

Cool Brainteasers Logical Puzzles

Can you decipher the code to open the door?

Have you tried puzzles where you need to decipher the code to open the door or some vault. It is always fun to solve puzzles where you have to crack the code to unlock the lock. These type of puzzles need to some really sharp brain. Here is another such puzzle. Let’s see if you […]

Cool Brainteasers

How is B related to C brainteaser

It is fun to solve brainteasers and specially the ones where, you have to find out relation between 2 persons. Here is a brainteaser, can you find out how is B related to C? How is B related to C brainteaser Also Try: Small riddles to play with kids A and B are sisters. C […]

Riddles Whatsapp Riddles

Small riddles to play with kids

It is a lot of fun to solve riddles with kids. Kids often get excited when you play with them and when you ask them riddles, it not only makes them happy but also helps them sharpen their brain. Here is some small riddles to play with kids. Ask them these riddles and let’s see […]

Math Puzzles

Solve the logical math puzzle

Here is an another logical math puzzle to solve. Let’s see if you can find the answer. Solve the Logical Math Puzzle? For $ 1, You get 40 StrawberriesFor $ 3, You get 1 MangoFor $ 5, You get 1 AppleNow you want to get 100 fruits for $100 How many Strawberries, Mangoes and Apples […]

Cool Brainteasers Detective Puzzles

Japanese ship Thief Brainteaser for Sharp Brains

Japanese ship Thief Brainteaser A Japanese ship was making its way through the Arabian Sea. The captain felt like taking a bath and thus went to the bathroom after removing his Rolex watch and gold bracelet. When he returned back from the bathroom, he found out that his valuables were missing. He suspected five of […]