Can you crack the code and unlock the lock?

291 One number is correct and well placed
245 One number is correct but wrong place
463 Two numbers are correct but wrong places
569 One number is correct but wrong place
578 Nothing is correct
Can you now find the code which can open this lock?
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Answer: 3 9 4
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Hint1 and Hint2 confirms that code doesn’t have Number 2. Since first hint says that only one number is correct and second says correct number is wrongly placed so that relegates number 2.
Hint5 tells us that, we can ignore numbers 5, 7 and 8
So now out of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 we can exclude 2,5,7 and 8 and left with 1,3,4,6,9
Now, from Hint2, we can say that number 4 is one of the number in code and only thing we need to find is its place.
Now, Hint1, 3 and 4 has unique numbers as 2,9,1,4,6,3,5 out of these we already excluded 2,5 and 4(which we know). so we are left with 9,1,6,3 out of which we need to find 2 numbers.
Hint1, 3 and 4 also tells us that only numbers which can satisfy these 3 conditions are 9 and 13out of set 9,1,6 and 3
So all 3 numbers are 4, 9 and 3
Hint 2 and 3 tells that number 4 can only be on third place. so numbers would be XX4
Hint1 tells that number 9 can be placed on second position. So numbers would be X94
so final number would be 394