Here are a few easy, medium and hard riddles you can ask your children. Riddles to ask your children Easy: Medium: Hard: Also Try:The Three Way Light Bulb BrainteaserWhere did the missing dollar go?5 best tricky riddles Answer: Riddles to ask your children Easy: Medium: Hard: Like our Facebook page for many more riddles, puzzles […]
Category: Puzzles for Kids
Rearrange the letters Rearrange the letters: NOR DO WE to make one word. Try this, it is very easy and I am sure you can solve this within a minute 🙂 Hint: Question has answer in it. Scroll down to find the answer. Scroll down to find […]
Spot the differences puzzle How many differences can you spot between image a and b? Hint: There are more than 5 but less than 10 differences. Scroll down to find the answer. Answer: In picture b: The goal hoop has changed colour […]
Spot the differences – Puzzle SCROLL DOWN TO FIND THE ANSWER SCROLL DOWN TO FIND THE ANSWER Answer: There are 10 differences. The ten difference are as follows: 1) The direction of the paper plane is changed. 2) The amount of […]
Count Triangles in This Cat – Puzzle Can you count triangles in this cat? Hint: There are more than 15 but less than 25. Once you have counted triangles then scroll down and match you answer with answer we published here. You may also like: How Many Legs are in the […]
Puzzle – How many square are there? Can you count number of squares in below pic? Try to count squares and then match your answer with the one given below in this post. Scroll down to found out if your answer is correct. Answer: 30 […]