Popular words is a puzzle game where you are asked a fill in the blank question just like you might have seen on tv games show like Family Feud.

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Popular Words puzzle Game Level 1-500 Answers
Level | Answers |
1. ___is my favorite color | Purple, Blue, Yellow, Red, Green |
2. I love drinking ____ juice | Apple, Orange, Mango, Lemon, Grape |
3. Everyone has a pair of ___ | Eyes, Shoes, Hands, Socks, Legs |
4. ___ is one of the most consumed beverages around the world | Water, Coffee, Tea, Beer, Milk |
5. She wants a ____ as a pet gift for her birthday | Dog, Cat, Fish, Bird, Hamster |
6. I like listening to ___ music | Pop, Rap, Rock, Country, Folk |
7. I love ____ movies | Action, Horror, Fantasy, Comedy, Drama |
8. If I could play an instrument, it would be a _____ | Violin, Piano, Guitar, Flute, Drums |
9. Your eyes are so beautiful, they are blue like ___ | Sea, Ice, Azure, Sky, Ocean |
10. You shouldn’t ____ while driving | Text, Sleep, Drink, Eat, Read |
11. I love listening to music while I ____ | Run, Drive, Study, Relax, Cook |
12. Let’s order ____ for lunch! | Pizza, Tacos, Salad, Burgers, Chicken |
13. Sorry, I can’t I’m allergic to ____ | Pollens, Dogs, Cats, Peanuts, Dust |
14. Eeek! There is a ____ in my room! | Snake, Bug, Mouse, Roach, Spider |
15. I really missed my ___ during my solo vacation | Pet, Friends, Family, Computer, Bed |
16. A ____ has a very demanding job | Doctor, Policeman, Fireman, Judge, Nurse |
17. My cat can’t stop ____ | Eating, Purring, Climbing, Sleeping, Licking |
18. A medieval kingdom should have a ____ | King, Queen, Jester, Knight, Throne |
19. He gave a silly nickname to his ____ | Pet, Friend, Child, Wife, Car |
20. I’m so lucky to have a good ____ | Neighbor, Family, Teacher, Job, Partner |
21. I like yellow foods like ____ | Lemons, Potatoes, Melons, Bananas, Apricots |
22. My daughter wants to be in the ____ club at school | Chess, Film, Cooking, Dance, Art |
23. My kid hates eating _____ | Broccoli, Fish, Mushrooms, Eggs, Tomatoes |
24. My mom’s cheeks turn red like ____ when she’s angry | Cherries, Tomatoes, Fire, Apple, Pepper |
25. My grandma’s ____ photos shocked me | Wedding, Childhood, Baby, School, Party |
26. A fairy tale should always have a ____ | Fairy, Princess, Witch, Monster, Knight |
27. I love ____ after a long day of working | Resting, Meditating, Watchingtv, Eating, Sleeping |
28. A kid got sick because she ate too much ____ | Icecream, Chips, Popsicles, Plums, Cookies |
29. My ____ make my life meaningful | Faith, Goals, Friends, Love, Hobbies |
30. If I had kids I would tell them to clean their ___ | Room, Face, Plate, Bathroom, Hair |
31. My ____ is so old that I need a new one | Phone, Shirt, Coat, Computer, Car |
32. When I think of Dracula, I think of ____ | Blood, Vampires, Castles, Myths, Bats |
33. As a superpower, I would love to have ____ | Invisibility, Flying, Strength, Telepathy, Magic |
34. A good team-mate should be _____ | Reliable, Friendly, Kind, Supportive, Honest |
35. Don’t forget to turn off the ___ before going out! | Lights, Oven, Tv, Iron, Computer |
36. As a shop owner, I can’t stand ____ customers | Impatient, Noisy, Angry, Bad, Cheap |
37. I need to buy ____ for my newborn baby | Diapers, Carseat, Crib, Formula, Clothes |
38. People usually eat ___ in one bite | Chips, Nuts, Grapes, Candies, Popcorn |
39. A spare ___ can always be needed | Key, Tire, Charger, Perfume, Creditcard |
40. I cover my fridge with ____ | Magnets, Photos, Reminders, Recipes, Drawings |
41. Teenagers today are unbelievable! I’d never ___ back in my time! | Smoke, Drink, Date, Talkback, Lie |
42. Camping is fun but I miss my ____ | Home, Phone, Family, Bed, Toilet |
43. Doh! I left my ____ in the taxi! | Phone, Wallet, Coat, Umbrella, Suitcase |
44. I feel so lucky to have my ____ | Family, Friends, Job, Car, Health |
45. My dog is so ____ | Cute, Furry, Happy, Lazy, Loyal |
46. Oh no! I forgot my ____ at school | Backpack, Lunchbox, Pencil, Ruler, Workbook |
47. My mom used to hide the ____ from me when I was little | Snacks, Toys, Knives, Lighter, Detergents |
48. I hope my father will buy a ____ from the market | Candy, Chocolate, Toy, Watermelon, Videogame |
49. I share my secrets only with my ____ | Diary, Penpal, Bestfriend, Therapist, Mother |
50. My wife loves storing things in our ____ | Closet, Garage, Nightstand, Basement, Attic |
51. My dad sells special ____ for cars | Wheels, Bumpers, Decals, Rims, Seats |
52. My mom gives me ____ when I get sick | Medicine, Soup, Water, Fruits, Tea |
53. Stay away from ____ drivers in traffic | Angry, Fast, Reckless, Impaired, Drunk |
54. Could you stop calling me ____ I’m not your girlfriend! | Honey, Sweetie, Cupcake, Sugar, Love |
55. Man, these ____ commercials are so silly! | Car, Insurance, Junkfood, Softdrink, Vacation |
56. I love eating ____ with peanut butter | Jelly, Bananas, Oats, Bread, Chocolate |
57. I ate lots of ____ at the carnival | Cottoncandy, Corndog, Funnelcake, Popcorn, Icecream |
58. I can’t live without my ____ | Phone, Family, Wallet, House, Friends |
59. Not just books, there are also ____ in a library | Computers, Magazines, Newspapers, Movies, Games |
60. I can’t stand my neighbor, they are so ____ ! | Noisy, Nosey, Messy, Mean, Angry |
61. I wish there were no ____ in the world | Wars, Racism, Hatred, Pollution, Slavery |
62. I’m cross with my husband He forgot my ____ | Birthday, Food, Gift, Favoritecolor, Request |
63. I won a ___ from that contest | House, Car, Vacation, Boat, Giftcard |
64. I hate waiting in lines at the ____ | Market, Bank, Airport, Amusementpark, Pharmacy |
65. My ____ ‘s warranty has expired | Car, Fridge, Oven, Washingmachine, Computer |
66. My kid can’t sleep after seeing ___ in her nightmare | Monsters, Spiders, Fire, Death, Clowns |
67. Where were you? You missed our kid’s first ____ ! | Words, Steps, Birthday, Dayofschool, Playdate |
68. You can’t have a ___ as a pet | Tiger, Lion, Monkey, Fox, Sloth |
69. Finally! I’ve saved up enough money to buy a ____ | Car, House, Phone, Weddingring, Vacation |
70. You should never lie about your ____ on a dating app | Age, Height, Weight, Maritalstatus, Job |
71. I could be happier if I had more ____ | Money, Time, Friends, Love, Sleep |
72. What do you think about my dress for the ____ party? | Wedding, Graduation, Bachelor, Birthday, Genderreveal |
73. If I won the lottery, the first thing I would buy would be a ___ | Sportscar, Villa, Island, Helicopter, Privatejet |
74. Sorry, I can’t come out I was grounded for _____ | Fighting, Cursing, Lying, Failing, Sneakingout |
75. We need a tour guide for our ____ visit | Museum, Artgallery, Zoo, Historicalsite, Factory |
76. ___ is my favorite winter sport | Hockey, Skiing, Snowboarding, Iceskating, Luge |
77. I always eat ___ while watching a movie | Popcorn, Nachos, Chips, Candies, Nuts |
78. I picked ___ on the side of main meal | Frenchfries, Salad, Soup, Coleslaw, Onionrings |
79. People should know how to ____ | Apologize, Cook, Drive, Swim, Listen |
80. My mom got mad at me for breaking the ____ | Vase, Glass, Window, Door, Chair |
81. I still can’t get over the fact that my dog ate my ____ | Slipper, Pillow, Homework, Couch, Socks |
82. Enough is enough! Time to say goodbye to my ____ | Weight, Toxicfriends, Phone, Job, Badhabits |
83. Great! A ___ is coming right when we’re about to go out! | Storm, Snowstorm, Hurricane, Tornado, Guest |
84. I go back to my hometown every year for ___ | Familyreunion, Christmas, Vacation, Thanksgiving, Work |
85. Don’t forget to add ___ to your Halloween shopping list | Pumpkins, Costumes, Candles, Candies, Decorations |
86. My ___ broke down again! | Car, Phone, Plumbing, Laptop, Heater |
87. Don’t forget to bring a ____ to the beach | Towel, Umbrella, Sunscreen, Hat, Beachball |
88. ____ is my favorite mode of transportation | Car, Bus, Train, Bicycle, Walking |
89. Honey! Do you remember where did we put the ____ ? | Remote, Keys, Phone, Glasses, Money |
90. My best friend is always ____ | Loyal, Cute, Funny, Honest, Kind |
91. Don’t be selfish! ____ is a team sport! | Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Hockey, Volleyball |
92. My lips are great at _____ | Kissing, Singing, Whistling, Eating, Playingtheflute |
93. You can’t go ____ without getting wet | Swimming, Diving, Surfing, Waterskiing, Kayaking |
94. I hate you for breaking my ____ | Bones, Trust, Heart, Rules, Toys |
95. I can never make my kid eat ______ | Broccoli, Beans, Asparagus, Spinach, Cheese |
96. I wouldn’t call something a breakfast without _____ | Bacons, Eggs, Coffee, Cereal, Oatmeal |
97. I found a torn ____ in my mailbox | Letter, Bill, Magazine, Package, Postcard |
98. It’s Christmas! Time to drink some ____ | Eggnog, Champagne, Hotchocolate, Cider, Wine |
99. I can’t find that the ____ card in my wallet! | Credit, Id, Gift, Birthday, Membership |
100. He loves _____ in Las Vegas | Gambling, Drinking, Clubbing, Strolling, Living |
101. I have a serious fear of ____ | Heights, Flying, Enclosedspaces, Spiders, Snakes |
102. That country’s leader is a ______ | Democrat, Republican, Monarch, Dictator, Socialist |
103. It really hurt when I stepped on _____ | Aglass, Alego, Aneedle, Gravel, Astone |
104. My favorite Avenger is _____ | Ironman, Hulk, Thor, Captainamerica, Hawkeye |
105. I broke my _____ after I lost an online match! | Gamepad, Controller, Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor |
106. Mom, please! I’m too tired to do ______ | Myhomework, Exercises, Mychores, Anything, Thelawn |
107. I love drinking milk with _____ | Cookies, Cereal, Chocolate, Bananas, Strawberry |
108. Do you have any ____ gum by any chance? | Spearmint, Sugarfree, Peppermint, Cherry, Bubble |
109. I always pick ____ for my DnD character race | Elf, Dwarf, Human, Orc, Gnome |
110. I use the internet for _____ | Browsing, Doinghomework, Videogames, Memes, Researching |
111. A true pirate needs a ____ | Parrot, Treasure, Hook, Sword, Ship |
112. That beach is full of ____ ! | Sand, Trash, People, Drunks, Shells |
113. Here, keep those ____ in a pot | Gold, Coffee, Water, Marbles, Coins |
114. Wow! Such a soft ____ ! | Pillow, Blanket, Bed, Tissue, Sheet |
115. This armor is made of ____ | Iron, Leather, Gold, Copper, Steel |
116. I always wanted to be ____ when I was a kid | Adoctor, Anastronaut, Afireman, Ateacher, Anactor |
117. Batman always defeats _____ | Thejoker, Scarecrow, Bane, Theriddler, Catwoman |
118. That ___ ‘s shell is so strong! | Turtle, Armadillo, Egg, Walnut, Oyster |
119. Mom loves putting _____ on the refrigerator | Magnets, Pictures, Recipes, Notes, Lists |
120. If you are so tired, then get some _____ | Sleep, Rest, Coffee, Food, Help |
121. I love my spouse’s ____ | Eyes, Face, Hair, Personality, Body |
122. I love listening to the songs by _____ | Beyonce, Madonna, Rihanna, Adele, Drake |
123. We’ve lost our ____ Our band is ruined! | Vocalist, Drummer, Guitarist, Manager, Pianist |
124. I look for ____ in a good partner | Honesty, Wealth, Humour, Loyalty, Kindness |
125. You can’t ____ ! You are not 18 yet! | Drive, Smoke, Vote, Gamble, Getmarried |
126. ____ is my favorite South American country | Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Chile |
127. My father stocked up on ____ before the pandemic | Food, Toiletpaper, Water, Gas, Cash |
128. That chicken ___ was so delicious! | Nugget, Pie, Soup, Wing, Sandwich |
129. I can’t eat that ___ ! I’m a vegan | Chicken, Fish, Cheese, Hamburger, Icecream |
130. Watch out for ____ during an African safari | Lions, Cheetahs, Leopards, Hyenas, Elephants |
131. Oh no! My ____ started following me on Twitter! | Father, Mother, Teacher, Ex, Boss |
132. This ___ is special for me as my granny knitted it for me | Hat, Blanket, Sweater, Pillow, Plush |
133. That actor learnt ____ for his new role | Dancing, Singing, Fighting, Driving, Anaccent |
134. Stop! There is ____ on the road! | Adog, Acat, Abody, Acar, Debris |
135. I can’t stand ___ without sugar! | Tea, Coffee, Milk, Cereal, Chewinggum |
136. I would never buy that ____ house | Expensive, Old, Moldy, Haunted, Tiny |
137. Doh! ____ are making me itchy again! | Allergies, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Parasites, Ants |
138. Hey darling, have you ___ the meat yet? | Cooked, Bought, Marinated, Thawed, Roasted |
139. After a long day, I lay down to ____ | Watchtv, Read, Sleep, Sunbathe, Relax |
140. It’s impossible to ___! So hot! | Breathe, Sleep, Work, Walk, Touch |
141. He broke the ___ button my remote! | Mute, Play, Home, Back, Stop |
142. I should get a better ___ for my hair | Barber, Shampoo, Hairspray, Conditioner, Hat |
143. I can never face my friends after ___ in front of them! | Farting, Dancing, Singing, Fallingdown, Puking |
144. Don’t tell me that you’ve never watched ____ ! | Starwars, Thelordoftherings, Titanic, Godfather, Matrix |
145. How on Earth some people eat ____ ? | Bugs, Snails, Insects, Dogs, Paper |
146. I found a magic lamp! I will ask for ____ | Health, Money, Love, Happiness, Power |
147. I always keep ___ in my car just in case | Somemoney, Somefood, Amap, Asparetire, Somewater |
148. What kind of a breakfast buffet wouldn’t have ____ !? | Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Coffee, Cereal |
149. ____ players can get crazy rich | Football, Basketball, Baseball, Tennis, Golf |
150. You should lick that ____ | Lollipop, Icecream, Popsicle, Stamp, Envelope |
151. I hate being a ___ in this terrible restaurant! | Cook, Waitress, Manager, Customer, Dishwasher |
152. He just ____ ! Can’t you see he is sick?! | Coughed, Puked, Fainted, Sneezed, Cried |
153. Yuck! hate candy bars with ____ | Almonds, Peanuts, Coconut, Caramel, Mint |
154. There ___ outside! Don’t go out! | Isatornado, Isablizzard, Arezombies, Isabear, Isafight |
155. There is always a ____ in a horror movie | Graveyard, Murderer, Forest, Ghost, Basement |
156. Did you know that she keeps some ____ in her cellar? | Wine, Food, Tools, Guns, Prisoners |
157. Don’t go to that country! There are so many people in ____ | China, India, Unitedstates, Brazil, Mexico |
158. I love you, my sweet ____ ! | Husband, Wife, Mother, Father, Friend |
159. That ___ is filled with holes | Cheese, Sock, Underwear, Plot, Road |
160. It’s quite windy, let’s go ____ ! | Surfing, Flyakite, Sailing, Inside, Running |
161. ___ can be drunk both hot and cold | Tea, Coffee, Milk, Cider, Eggnog |
162. Doh! There is ___ on the bottom of my shoe! | Gum, Poop, Mud, Dirt, Aninsect |
163. Let’s decorate this ____ | Christmas tree, Cake, Car, House, Room |
164. My newborn kept ___ all night! | Crying, Farting, Squealing, Kicking, Rolling |
165. Why would you hug that ____ ? | Girl, Dog, Pillow, Tree, Car |
166. Don’t worry about that noise, it’s just ____ ! | The wind, The pipes, The dog, An animal, The heater |
167. I love ____ in Harry Potter | Ron, Hermione, Hagrid, Dumbledore, Snape |
168. Come on! You can never ___ with your eyes open! | Sleep, Sneeze, Kiss, Swim, Dream |
169. Keep quiet! Remember that we are in a ____ ! | Church, Hospital, Library, Theater, Museum |
170. I can’t help it, I can never lie to my ____ | Mother, Father, Teacher, Priest, Therapist |
171. Grr! The ____ is out of order again! | Bathroom, Atm, Elevator, Vendingmachine, Copier |
172. Step aside, I have to shred these ___ | Papers, Cheese, Lettuces, Onions, Carrots |
173. It’s all your fault! You let ___ spoiled! | Thefood, Themilk, Yourkid, Thatpet, Themovie |
174. You should listen to ___ if you like rap | Eminem, Drake, Snoopdogg, Icecube, Lilwayne |
175. His face turned red with ____ | Anger, Embarrassment, Sunburn, Love, Fever |
176. Don’t forget to fill ___ with some air | Theballoon, Thetires, Thebeachball, Theairmattress, Yourlungs |
177. You can never learn ____ in school | Parenting, Manners, Religion, Modesty, Trading |
178. My parents never approve my ____ | Drinking, Smoking, Clothes, Skippingschool, Friends |
179. So bland! This salad needs some more ___ | Dressing, Nuts, Cheese, Vinegar, Salt |
180. Hey look! I got a new ___ phone | Samsung, Smart, Nokia, Huawei, Motorola |
181. I’m out of patience! ___ moves so slow! | Mygrandma, Thesnail, Theturtle, Thetraffic, Theline |
182. Outrageous! This airplane flight doesn’t even have ____ ! | Snacks, Cocktails, Drinks, Earbuds, Pillows |
183. It goes up and down like ______ | Arollercoaster, Anairplane, Anelevator, Ayoyo, Aseesaw |
184. Hey look! I dug up some ____ | Weeds, Bones, Worms, Gold, Metals |
185. Watch out next time, you left lipstick marks on the ____ | Napkin, Glass, Collar, Pillow, Tie |
186. I feel the best when I’m _____ | Working, Sleeping, Playing, Withmyfriends, Resting |
187. I can’t stop listening to ____ ‘s concertos! | Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi, Chopin |
188. As a nerd, I was always ____ | Alone, Bullied, Sad, Studying, Reading |
189. My birthday wish is _____ | Worldpeace, Love, Money, Findinghappiness, Anewcomputer |
190. I don’t like dogs, I would rather adopt a ____ | Cat, Turtle, Child, Hamster, Parrot |
191. When shopping, I’m looking for the best ____ | Price, Quality, Product, Discount, Deal |
192. They think that I’m too ____ for my age | Mature, Playful, Childish, Talented, Weary |
193. If my life were a movie, it would be a _______ | Documentary, Drama, Comedy, Thriller, Tragedy |
194. I think ____ is a better F1 driver than Senna | Schumacher, Hamilton, Alonso, Prost, Vettel |
195. I finally broke up with my ____ girlfriend! | Crazy, Selfish, Aggressive, Weird, Narcissistic |
196. I hate people who ____ | Steal, Lie, Cheat, Backstab, Arelazy |
197. Buckle up, he is a ____ driver! | Fast, Student, Crazy, Reckless, Drunk |
198. I really ____ this show | Enjoy, Hate, Love, Dig, Adore |
199. I can’t stop posting ____ on Reddit | Pictures, Memes, Questions, Videos, Threads |
200. What a night! I had a ____ dream! | Wild, Vivid, Prophetic, Mindbending, Lucid |
201. I wish House ____ won the Game of Thrones | Targaryen, Lannister, Stark, Tyrell, Baratheon |
202. Watch out, I think he is a bit ____ | Unstable, Angry, Deranged, Awkward, Drunk |
203. I’m quite talented at _____ | Music, Painting, Writing, Photography, Speaking |
204. Look into me and see my ____ heart | Black, Sweet, Loving, Weary, Caring |
205. Well, these news made me ____ | Excited, Worried, Scared, Hopeful, Confused |
206. From Tokyo, we will take a train to _____ | Kyoto, Nagano, Nagoya, Kanazawa, Mountfuji |
207. Let’s sit down and listen the _____ | Thunderstorm, Music, Birds, Wind, Podcast |
208. You can find me ____ while listening to a song | Singing, Dancing, Crying, Zoningout, Studying |
209. You see? Life is full of ____ | Wonders, Sadness, Happiness, Hope, Death |
210. Welcome! Grab a ___ and join us! | Drink, Plate, Napkin, Controller, Seat |
211. My favorite US state is ____ | Newyork, California, Florida, Nevada, Texas |
212. I can never say ‘no’ to my _____ | Mother, Father, Daughter, Dog, Doctor |
213. I want to ____ whenever I see a cute puppy | Cuddle, Pet, Hug, Play, Scream |
214. No thanks, I can’t eat anymore ____ | Donuts, Chocolate, Chips, Nuts, Cupcakes |
215. French fries with ___ is a match made in heaven | Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Cheese, Vinegar, Gravy |
216. I think ____ is the funniest TV series ever! | Friends, Seinfeld, Modernfamily, Thesimpsons, Theoffice |
217. Stop it! My ___ is very ticklish! | Feet, Neck, Stomach, Cat, Dog |
218. I don’t want any ___ in my sandwich, please | Onion, Pickle, Sauce, Tomato, Lettuce |
219. I’m very proud of my _____ | Family, Job, Body, Achievements, Talents |
220. I don’t want to watch that, I hate ___ comedy! | Slapstick, Dark, Romantic, Surreal, Deadpan |
221. Clear the table, we will play ____ ! | Monopoly, Chess, Checkers, Scrabble, Clue |
222. I felt ____ after he canceled our meeting | Relieved, Freed, Disappointed, Clueless, Angry |
223. Nobody wants to date ___ like me | Aloser, Anuglyface, Anoob, Apenniless, Abuffoon |
224. Is there a good ____ on TV tonight? | Documentary, Movie, Show, Cartoon, Game |
225. I wish I could live in a ____ | Castle, Mansion, Villa, Cottage, Remotecabin |
226. I will take a photo with ___ at Disneyland | Mickeymouse, Goofy, Donaldduck, Pluto, Cinderella |
227. Can you see ___ with the telescope? | Themoon, Thestars, Anasteroid, Asatellite, Aplanet |
228. Oh come on! There is no such thing as ___ ! | Aliens, Santaclaus, Ghosts, Bigfoot, Impossible |
229. A snake’s ____ is quite interesting | Skin, Venom, Scales, Hissing, Slithering |
230. I had to replace my ___ after the divorce | Home, Car, Bankaccount, Clothes, Furniture |
231. Don’t worry, they all speak English in ____ | Canada, Unitedkingdom, Australia, Newzealand, Theusa |
232. Why is this ____ always cold?! | Room, Office, Classroom, Water, Weather |
233. I wish ___ could grow slower! | Myhair, Theweeds, Mykids, Myweight, Mynails |
234. I had to ____ to fake my sickness | Puke, Groan, Cry, Cough, Sniffle |
235. We had to cancel the ___ due to heavy rain | Match, Concert, Picnic, Parade, Hiking |
236. I love seeing ___ in a zoo | Bears, Lions, Elephants, Giraffes, Monkeys |
237. Alright kids, line up for the ____ | Lunch, Recess, Firedrill, Schoolbus, Inspection |
238. ____ is a dish best served cold | Revenge, Fish, Lasagna, Potatosalad, Pizza |
239. Wow! That snake just swallowed a ___ | Mouse, Rabbit, Bird, Dog, Pig |
240. Did you hang up the ____ ? | Phone, Coat, Hat, Towel, Frame |
241. As a DC Comics fan, my favorite is ____ | Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, Cyborg, Greenlantern |
242. Hmm… This looks like a ___ chip | Potato, Corn, Chocolate, Poker, Computer |
243. I can’t stop riding the ___ at the carnival | Ferriswheel, Carousel, Rollercoaster, Dodgems, Funhouse |
244. If we are ordering, I want ____ | Pizza, Chinese, Sushi, Friendchicken, Hamburger |
245. He can’t come to help as he is ____ | Busy, Sick, Tired, Outoftown, Atwork |
246. I can’t wait to taste the ____ cuisine | Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Thai, Mexican |
247. She won ___ from that raffle! | Acar, Ahouse, Avacation, Somemoney, Agiftcard |
248. That ___ ball is even smaller than a baseball | Golf, Pingpong, Tennis, Gum, Pool |
249. Stop it! You can’t ___ like a dog! | Bark, Eat, Roll, Beg, Pant |
250. Look at that the scales of that ____ dragon! | Red, Black, Gold, Green, Blue |
251. We will have our honeymoon in ____ | Hawaii, Borabora, Themaldives, Bali, Paris |
252. I will name my new dog as ____ | Lucky, Spot, Buddy, Rover, Rex |
253. I like studying in the ____ | Library, Bedroom, Classroom, Coffeeshop, Park |
254. Hey, it’s ____ Time to celebrate! | Ourwedding, Yourgraduation, Friday, Ouranniversary, Avictory |
255. I wish my dog could stop ____ | Poopingonthefloor, Chewing, Digging, Barking, Jumping |
256. I will drink crazy amounts of ___ during the holiday! | Beer, Champagne, Cider, Eggnog, Wine |
257. Our favorite outdoor activity is ____ | Running, Hiking, Camping, Biking, Fishing |
258. We need a good tour guide for the ____ | Museum, Artgallery, Historicalsite, Zoo, Safari |
259. I hated ___ as a child | Cleaning, Takingoutthetrash, Doingthedishes, Doingthelaundry, Studying |
260. I must go ___ every week | Shopping, Partying, Tomovies, Seemyfriends, Tochurch |
261. I can’t stop browsing ___ on my phone | Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook |
262. I want some ___ on the side | Frenchfries, Salad, Soup, Coleslaw, Onionrings |
263. Get up and get the ____ fixed! | Car, Phone, Plumbing, Laptop, Airconditioning |
264. Outrageous! This cafe doesn’t have any ____ | Coffee, Tea, Sandwiches, Pastries, Desserts |
265. Your ___ must be on the nightstand | Clock, Glasses, Bottle, Watch, Book |
266. My best friend is so ____ | Loyal, Cute, Funny, Honest, Kind |
267. His speech at the ____ was a fiasco! | Awardceremony, Wedding, Party, Conference, Funeral |
268. Don’t forget to bring your ___ to the sleepover | Toothbrush, Sleepingbag, Hairbrush, Pajamas, Laptop |
269. Ugh! Yet another horror movie filled with ____ | Teenagers, Ghosts, Demons, Aliens, Zombies |
270. You can find some ___ in a museum | Paintings, Dinosaurs, Sculptures, Mummies, Fossils |
271. Look at this ___ It’s my lucky charm | Rabbitfoot, Clover, Penny, Locket, Horseshoe |
272. I don’t like sitting on ____ | Thefloor, Abicycleseat, Grass, Stone, Abed |
273. I have to get up early to go ___ | Towork, Toschool, Running, Hiking, Tohospital |
274. Stop calling me ___ I’m not your girlfriend! | Baby, Honey, Sweetie, Love, Darling |
275. I lost my ____ in the backpack! | Book, Eraser, Pencil, Phone, Id |
276. Not a ___ ! I hate that dog breed! | Husky, Pitbull, Labrador, Beagle, Poodle |
277. Could you give me a ___ muffin? | Blueberry, Chocolate, Banana, Vanilla, Strawberry |
278. Mom, could you spread some ___ on my toast? | Jam, Butter, Peanutbutter, Nutella, Honey |
279. Why is she crying? I think she’s ____ | Hungry, Tired, Scared, Wet, Sick |
280. Sorry, can’t talk now I’m at a ____ | Party, Funeral, Library, Dinner, Meeting |
281. Does this arcade have ____ ? | Pacman, Pinball, Streetfighter, Airhockey, Daytona |
282. There are so many ___ under your bed! | Toys, Trash, Books, Clothes, Socks |
283. Oh no! I forgot the ____ gift! | Christmas, Anniversary, Birthday, Wedding, Parting |
284. Don’t forget to bring ___ for the kids | Toys, Games, Books, Clothes, Snacks |
285. Stop using the ___ emoji! | Smile, Heart, Laugh, Wink, Kiss |
286. I love to watch ____ as I love fantasy movies | Thelordoftherings, Thehungergames, Harrypotter, Narnia, Percyjackson |
287. This dog loves chasing ____ | Balls, Cars, Birds, Cats, Squirrels |
288. As a ___ , I get a lot of tips | Waiter, Bartender, Deliveryperson, Barista, Taxidriver |
289. Don’t forget to put ____ on the Christmas tree | Thestar, Balls, Candycanes, Twinklylights, Stockings |
290. You can’t get up before finishing your ___ ! | Broccoli, Meat, Fruit, Dinner, Homework |
291. I love ordering ___ at Starbucks | Latte, Cappuccino, Americano, Icedcoffee, Espresso |
292. I wish I could ____ all day! | Sleep, Play, Eat, Shop, Travel |
293. If you’re going to buy me a flower, get some ____ | Roses, Daisies, Lilies, Orchids, Tulips |
294. She was too scared to pet the ___ at the petting zoo | Goat, Pig, Horse, Cow, Sheep |
295. She was fuming at me for being late to the ____ | Funeral, Wedding, Meeting, Class, Date |
296. When you say France, I think of ____ | Theeiffeltower, Paris, Cheese, Wine, Baguettes |
297. I always ___ when I see my crush | Smile, Hide, Lookaway, Turnred, Getstunned |
298. As an Italian, I love ____ | Pizza, Lasagna, Spaghetti, Ravioli, Gnocchi |
299. I’m an expert, I can even make ___ without a recipe | Cake, Cookies, Eggs, Lasagna, Pizza |
300. I want my ____ very crispy, please | Bacon, Toast, Waffle, Pancake, Chicken |
301. My naive kid still believes in ____ | Santaclause, Theeasterbunny, Thetoothfairy, Aliens, Unicorns |
302. I don’t want to go out It’s too ____! | Hot, Cold, Dark, Boring, Late |
303. Hey! What’s in your shopping ___? | Cart, List, Bag, Basket, Plan |
304. Put some ___ on my bread, please | Butter, Cheese, Ham, Peanut, Jelly |
305. They put their company logo on their ____ | Shirts, Hats, Jackets, Uniforms, Cars |
306. The living room desperately needs a new ___, my dear | Sofa, Chair, Table, Cabinet, Carpet |
307. I’m bringing the ____ if the campfire is lit | Marshmallows, Chicken, Corns, Potatoes, Hotdogs |
308. It’s my day-off and I will ___ whole day! | Sleep, Drink, Play, Read, Travel |
309. Wow, you look sharp! Are you going to a ____? | Date, Party, Wedding, Funeral, Meeting |
310. ___ is an animal that starts with C | Cat, Camel, Crab, Crow, Chicken |
311. How can I ___ in front of such a big audience?! | Talk, Sing, Dance, Stand, Perform |
312. We can’t swim there, it’s filled with ____! | Sharks, Whales, Fish, Trash, Moss |
313. We had to cancel our picnic due to _____ | Rain, Snow, Tornado, Hail, Wind |
314. I can’t eat this steak! It’s ____! | Burned, Raw, Salty, Cold, Smelly |
315. I wish my boss was ____ | Kind, Understanding, Generous, Honest, Supportive |
316. I can’t ___ in this extreme heat! | Breathe, Sleep, Walk, Work, Eat |
317. The power went out! We need ____ | Candles, Aflashlight, Alighter, Agenerator, Blankets |
318. Stop that ___ ! It’s ransacking the trash! | Raccoon, Dog, Cat, Bear, Coyote |
319. I love the taste of your banana ____ | Bread, Cake, Muffin, Pie, Pudding |
320. We need to ___ this old house | Sell, Renovate, Paint, Clean, Rent |
321. I wish my roommate helped me to ____ | Clean, Study, Iron, Cook, Prepare |
322. Turn right after you pass the ____ | Market, Mall, Gasstation, Church, Bank |
323. Stop or I will ___ you! | Punch, Kick, Bite, Push, Leave |
324. Every kitchen needs ____ | Atoaster, Amicrowave, Ablender, Adishwasher, Anoven |
325. In future, we won’t use ___ anymore | Cars, Phones, Paper, Cash, Coal |
326. How dare you look at my ____? | Computer, Phone, Wallet, Diary, Email |
327. Listen to ___ to calm down, you seem tense! | Music, Podcast, Song, Therain, Theforest |
328. Don’t date her! Her father is a ____ | Cop, Pastor, Boxer, Criminal, Drunk |
329. It’s so hard to say ‘no’ to your ____ | Kids, Boss, Friends, Mom, Dog |
330. Don’t ___ before going to bed, or you won’t sleep! | Eat, Drinkcoffee, Watchtv, Nap, Exercise |
331. Among the Greek gods, my favorite is ____ | Zeus, Hades, Ares, Athena, Poseidon |
332. Oh no! I lost my ____ again! | Socks, Keys, Wallet, Remote, Pencil |
333. I will go to Los Angeles to see ____ | Celebrities, Thebeaches, Hollywood, Thesun, People |
334. I hate waiting at the ____ | Hospital, Restaurant, Busstop, Trafficlights, Airport |
335. Wear your helmet while riding a ____ | Horse, Bike, Scooter, Skateboard, Motorcycle |
336. Stop ____ in the theatre! | Talking, Shouting, Yelling, Snoring, Moving |
337. I’ll ____ to satisfy my adrenaline addiction | Climb, Skydive, Bungeejump, Fly, Freefall |
338. My favorite horse breed is ____ | Arabian, Thoroughbred, Morgan, Appaloosa, Pony |
339. That lovely lady donated some ___ for charity | Money, Toys, Clothes, Food, Furniture |
340. I always add some ___ to my oatmeal | Milk, Sugar, Fruit, Honey, Syrup |
341. I can’t come to the church with you, I’m ____ | Amuslim, Ajewish, Anatheist, Abuddhist, Ahindu |
342. You forgot some ___ in your pockets again! | Toys, Candy, Money, Marbles, Tissue |
343. This medicine cabinet needs more ____ | Alcohol, Medicine, Bandaid, Cotton, Vitamins |
344. Hey dude, can I borrow ____ ? | Somemoney, Yourcar, Somesugar, Yourtoolbox, Somemilk |
345. ____ have quite long legs | Giraffes, Spiders, Ostriches, Flamingos, Storks |
346. Our bakery’s ____ is supreme! | Bread, Cakes, Cookies, Donuts, Pies |
347. Stop sending me acronyms! What does ___ even mean?! | Lol, Brb, Tc, Tyvm, Rofl |
348. Did you bring the deck of ___ cards? | Poker, Spades, Solitaire, Rummy, Blackjack |
349. Now watch me closely as I will teach you how to ____ | Cook, Carve, Write, Dance, Play |
350. Before you go on a date with him, let’s check out his ____ profile | Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Solitaire |
351. My favorite spice is ____ | Pepper, Garlic, Cinnamon, Chilli, Paprika |
352. That ___ made her scream so loud! | Spider, Mouse, Snake, Rat, Scorpion |
353. Let’s start the party! Who wants some ____? | Chips, Beer, Pizza, Wings, Popcorn |
354. ___ is my favorite streaming platform | Netflix, Disneyplus, Hbomax, Primevideo, Hulu |
355. Stop asking for ___, my dear | Toys, Candy, Money, Food, Favors |
356. Use your hands to eat that ___ | Pizza, Hamburger, Sandwich, Apple, Hotdog |
357. ___ is filled with vitamin C | Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Lime |
358. I would ___ if I were to see a real ghost | Run, Cry, Faint, Scream, Freeze |
359. Look, yet another ___ flyer on the board | Job, Club, Party, Tutor, Campaign |
360. ____ is my favorite X-man | Gambit, Wolverine, Cyclops, Rogue, Storm |
361. If you don’t know him well, just get ___ for his birthday | Agiftcard, Someflowers, Ashirt, Somesnacks, Abook |
362. Don’t forget to take ___ if you are going to hike | Water, Food, Arope, Medicine, Amap |
363. Did you really forget to bring the baby’s ____? | Diaper, Wipes, Bottle, Formula, Medicine |
364. I bought a new ____ smartphone | Samsung, Apple, Huawei, Sony, Nokia |
365. Mom, can you pack some ___ for my lunch? | Water, Chips, Fruits, Tissues, Snacks |
366. I can’t resist some delicious and crispy ___ | Bacon, Toast, Waffles, Sausage, Chips |
367. I found a job as a ____ at that restaurant | Cook, Busboy, Manager, Hostess, Waitress |
368. I wish I had ____ as a superpower | Invisibility, Flying, Strength, Speed, Magic |
369. They renovating their ____ | Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom, Garage, Livingroom |
370. Doctor, I have a ___, am I sick? | Cough, Fever, Headache, Runnynose, Sorethroat |
371. Please silence your phone at ____ | Dinner, Work, School, Church, Library |
372. Let’s get some ___ I’m so hungry! | Burgers, Hotdogs, Pizza, Tacos, Burritos |
373. Did you see that photo of Brad Pitt’s ____? | Kissing, Yelling, Running, Posing, Eating |
374. Why would you paint your car ___ ?! | Pink, Purple, Green, Yellow, Orange |
375. ___ is a city in the United Kingdom | London, Edinburgh, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool |
376. I can’t eat this fish, it still has its ___! | Eyes, Head, Tail, Scales, Organs |
377. Let’s hunt some ___ at the thrift store | Books, Toys, Clothes, Furniture, Shoes |
378. Don’t forget ___ for your cowboy costume | Ahat, Boots, Agun, Abelt, Ascarf |
379. If only I was ____, life would be easier | Smart, Beautiful, Tall, Rich, Famous |
380. I want a ___ tattoo please | Flower, Heart, Skull, Butterfly, Gun |
381. Did you really get a ___ piercing? | Nose, Bellybutton, Tongue, Lip, Ear |
382. Look! That’s ____ Williams! Let’s ask for an autograph! | Robin, John, Serena, Vanessa, Venus |
383. Put your ___ on the nightstand | Water, Phone, Lamp, Book, Glasses |
384. A brownie without ___ is not a real brownie! | Nuts, Caramel, Chocolate, Milk, Honey |
385. You didn’t dress up properly for this ___! | Wedding, Funeral, Party, Meeting, Interview |
386. Why don’t we go eat at ____? | Mcdonalds, Burgerking, Tacobell, Kfc, Pizzahut |
387. We need ___ to start this bonfire | Wood, Matches, Gas, Paper, Oil |
388. Watch out! That cave is filled with ____ | Spiders, Snakes, Bats, Bugs, Rats |
389. ___ is a city in France | Paris, Lyon, Nice, Lille, Strasbourg |
390. As an islander, I know how to ____ of course! | Swim, Surf, Fish, Sail, Dive |
391. Look! That’s ___ Smith! Let’s ask for a selfie! | Will, Maggie, Sam, Robert, Matt |
392. Don’t tell me you forgot to ___ the meat! | Cook, Season, Thaw, Marinate, Buy |
393. No ___ can stop a skilled burglar | Police, Alarm, Dog, Camera, Lock |
394. I ____ a lot during that roller coaster ride | Laughed, Screamed, Wasscared, Cried, Shouted |
395. Interesting, that ___ doesn’t require appointments | Doctor, Dentist, Hairdresser, Mechanic, Lawyer |
396. My granny keeps asking help with ___ | Thephone, Thecomputer, Thetelevision, Thecar, Standingup |
397. ___ is a city in Germany | Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt |
398. I’m sick of sharing ___ with my boyfriend | Food, Thebed, Money, Thecar, Time |
399. You left lipstick marks on my ____ again! | Shirt, Cup, Cheek, Glass, Pillow |
400. I go to ___ for my grocery shopping | Walmart, Target, Safeway, Aldi, Kroger |
401. My favorite Christmas drink is ___ | Eggnog, Wine, Champagne, Hotchocolate, Cider |
402. That dog chewed my ___ again! | Shoes, Homework, Socks, Pencil, Pillow |
403. Don’t forget to tip the ____ | Waiter, Valet, Bartender, Performer, Cleaner |
404. ____ is a city in Italy | Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples, Milan |
405. Add a little bit of more ___ to make it tasty | Salt, Butter, Cheese, Vinegar, Sugar |
406. It’s a great day to play ___ at the park | Frisbee, Football, Baseball, Tag, Catch |
407. A wild ___ has escaped from the local zoo, watch out! | Lion, Elephant, Tiger, Panther, Rhino |
408. Oops! I forgot to pay the ___ bill! | Phone, Gas, Water, Electricity, Internet |
409. It’s crazy to think that some people have ___ as pets | Snakes, Lizards, Octopus, Pigs, Tarantulas |
410. I think ___ is the best rapper ever! | Snoopdogg, Icecube, Eminem, Tupac, Cardi |
411. Yet another soap opera filled with ___! | Love, Cheating, Death, Betrayal, Drama |
412. ____ is located in the North American continent | Canada, Mexico, Unitedstates, Cuba, Jamaica |
413. Take your finger out of your ____! | Mouth, Food, Ear, Pants, Nose |
414. He is so skilled at flipping ___ | Pancakes, Burgers, Coins, Houses, Cars |
415. ___ is a city in Turkey | Istanbul, Antalya, Izmir, Ankara, Bursa |
416. Holy ___! Did you really kicked the teacher?! | Moley, Cow, Smokes, Mackerel, Guacamole |
417. Never buy ___ from an infomercial! | Pillows, Pans, Tools, Toys, Appliances |
418. You can see the ___ from this window, not a nice view at all! | Highway, Dump, Parkinglot, Alley, Factory |
419. My favorite TV show is ____ | Jeopardy, Familyfeud, Thesimpsons, Mythbusters, Modernfamily |
420. Why are you so mad? Didn’t you get enough ____ today? | Coffee, Sleep, Rest, Sugar, Water |
421. Bring the ___ inside before the rain begins! | Laptop, Clothes, Dog, Kids, Food |
422. ____ is located in the Asian continent | China, Japan, Thailand, India, Malaysia |
423. How can you get rid of a ___ stain on a cloth? | Ketchup, Wine, Mustard, Blood, Coffee |
424. ___ is a city in Texas | Austin, Houston, Dallas, Sanantonio, Elpaso |
425. Did he really ___ the test? | Fail, Pass, Smash, Nail, Miss |
426. He thinks that getting a ___ will make him cool | Tattoo, Car, Motorcycle, Beard, Scar |
427. How can we get that ___ from the tree? | Cat, Drone, Frisbee, Ball, Kite |
428. Whoa! Did you just ___ in front of the kids?! | Fart, Burp, Curse, Yell, Swear |
429. I want to visit ____ as I find that country fascinating! | Sweden, France, Madagascar, Germany, Italy |
430. His job as a ___ suits him well as he is so kind | Doctor, Teacher, Therapist, Dentist, Nurse |
431. I put some ____ in front of my house as Halloween decoration | Spiders, Bats, Witches, Zombies, Ghosts |
432. Sorry, your essay lacks a proper ____ | Citation, Integrity, Title, Topic, Layout |
433. A hopeless romantic believes in ___ | Loveatfirstsight, Fairytales, Destiny, Truelove, Soulmates |
434. ____ is located in the South American continent | Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Peru |
435. ___ is the busiest day of the week for our business | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday |
436. ___ is the coolest Formula 1 team | Ferrari, Williams, Mclaren, Redbull, Mercedes |
437. Old people love ____ | Sleeping, Reading, Quiet, Vegetables, Rockingchairs |
438. Sorry, I’m too shy to ___ in front of you | Sing, Dance, Perform, Talk, Eat |
439. I booked a room at ____ It wasn’t cheap! | Marriott, Hilton, Holidayinn, Sheraton, Fourseasons |
440. I can’t even drive a car, how do some people drive a ____?! | Bus, Truck, Tank, Van, Motorhome |
441. I prefer to ____ alone | Eat, Sleep, Exercise, Watchtv, Walk |
442. My baby wants to see lots of ___ in a children’s book | Pictures, Dinosaurs, Animals, Colors, Cars |
443. I drink ___ every morning to stay healthy | Water, Milk, Smoothie, Proteinshake, Herbaltea |
444. ____ is located in the African continent | Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya |
445. You need some ___ if you have a headache | Sleep, Water, Quiet, Coffee, Aspirin |
446. I can’t sleep without ____ | Melatonin, Earplugs, Pillows, Pajamas, Lights |
447. As soon as I saw the police behind me, I ____ | Pulledover, Panicked, Slowed, Gotnervous, Cried |
448. You are fat because you eat ___ every single day! | Pizza, Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Snacks, Chips |
449. I flew here with ___ and it was very comfortable! | Delta, Southwest, Britishairways, Lufthansa, Virgin |
450. Hey bro, give me a ___! | Hand, Hug, Kiss, Highfive, Minute |
451. I completed my ___ armor set at Minecraft | Leather, Iron, Golden, Diamond, Netherite |
452. How do actors ___ so effortlessly? | Cry, Kiss, Memorize, Lookcool, Sing |
453. There is no seat left in the ___, so I have to keep standing | Bus, Church, Meeting, Wedding, Party |
454. ___ is my favorite Shakespeare play | Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, Romeoandjuliet, Kinglear |
455. After losing my money to ____, I was depressed | Crypto, Athief, Gambling, Betting, Overspending |
456. What’s in this ____? It’s so heavy! | Bag, Luggage, Wallet, Backpack, Basket |
457. So cold! I need some ___ | Hotchocolate, Coffee, Tea, Clothes, Blankets |
458. ___ is the best city in the USA | Sandiego, Denver, Seattle, Lasvegas, Nashville |
459. I hate working as a food delivery driver because of ____ | Traffic, Badtips, Rudecustomers, Driving, Smell |
460. Let her sit down, she is ____ | Pregnant, Tired, Old, Disabled, Injured |
461. Do I see ___ on your windshield?! | Birdpoop, Acrack, Abug, Aticket, Snow |
462. Thinking about pork ____ makes my mouth watery | Bacon, Chops, Ham, Sausage, Ribs |
463. Nothing beats the taste of ___ brand chips | Doritos, Lays, Tostitos, Cheetos, Pringles |
464. Her first ___ was an important point in our relationship | Fart, Burp, Breakfast, Dinner, Look |
465. Did you really forget the ____ party? | Halloween, Costume, Christmas, Newyear, Birthday |
466. Honey, please ____ before dinner | Pray, Washyourhands, Setthetable, Return, Finishhomework |
467. That spaceship is going to ___ | Thesun, Themoon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn |
468. My Mexican friend can make delicious ____ | Nachos, Burritos, Salsa, Fajitas, Guacamole |
469. Let’s burn some calories by ____ | Running, Exercising, Cleaning, Swimming, Dancing |
470. This cocktail punch requires more ____! | Soda, Juice, Lemon, Alcohol, Water |
471. I go to Costco for ____ | Thesamples, Shopping, Thehotdog, Gas, Discounts |
472. Do all rich people have two ____? | Cars, Houses, Offices, Phones, Assistants |
473. ____ is located in the European continent | France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Greece |
474. I ___ when I see that annoying girl approach me | Run, Lookaway, Hide, Leave, Smile |
475. You should put the ___ in the fridge! | Leftovers, Milk, Yoghurt, Butter, Eggs |
476. There is always a ___ in a haunted house | Brokenwindow, Ghost, Rockingchair, Cobweb, Squeakyfloor |
477. How do you even remove the shell from a ___?! | Crab, Lobster, Snail, Turtle, Shrimp |
478. I always trust ___ when buying a new tech device | Samsung, Sony, Lg, Apple, Dell |
479. He shows off his wealth with his private ___ | Jet, Driver, Butler, Island, Chef |
480. My favorite American car brand is ____ | Ford, Dodge, Chevrolet, Pontiac, Tesla |
481. Use ____ to disguise yourself | Sunglasses, Ahat, Amask, Acoat, Awig |
482. I need to tidy up my ____ | Closet, Garage, Bathroom, Kitchen, Bedroom |
483. I think ___ is the best pop singer ever | Prince, Madonna, Beyonce, Adele, Taylorswift |
484. I can’t get enough ___ and it makes me unhealthy | Sleep, Water, Vitamins, Exercise, Love |
485. She laughed so hard that she ___! | Cried, Snorted, Fellover, Peed, Farted |
486. The clown we hired forgot to bring his ___ What a clown! | Costume, Horn, Balloons, Rednose, Wig |
487. My ____ ruined the family dinner by throwing a tantrum | Wife, Husband, Brother, Father, Mother |
488. Instead of Internet Explorer, you should use _____ | Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge |
489. No amount of money can get you true ____ | Happiness, Love, Friends, Satisfaction, Peace |
490. They shared warm ___ in that beautiful night | Foods, Stories, Kisses, Drinks, Laughs |
491. Watch out! He has a ___! | Gun, Knife, Hostage, Temper, Bomb |
492. Just ___ him! He is a creep! | Ignore, Report, Leave, Dump, Bewareof |
493. For this DnD game, I will play as ___ | Anelf, Anorc, Ahuman, Ahobbit, Adwarf |
494. My house is infested by ___ It drives me mad! | Ants, Bedbugs, Cockroaches, Flies, Termites |
495. I need a photo for my new ___ | Driverslicense, Passport, Mugshot, Id, Profile |
496. It seems like you forgot to bring ___ to the dinner table | Napkins, Candles, Cutlery, Glasses, Coasters |
497. My ___ ran out of battery once again! | Phone, Watch, Remote, Mouse, Headset |
498. I’m preparing a ___ salad for the dinner | Cobb, Ceaser, Larb, Greek, Olivier |
499. I can’t sleep as the ___ make so much noise! | Wind, Cars, Neighbors, Storm, Rain |
500. My daughter’s favorite Disney princess is ____ | Anna, Elsa, Bella, Cinderella, Mulan |