Cool Brainteasers Whatsapp Riddles

What was her reply?

What was her reply?


What was her reply? - Hotel Brainteaasers


A guy was tired of waiting for a girl in the hotel. He went her house and wrote this with 15 matchstick and left her house….

H  O  T  E  L

Girl understood what he has to say and she replied by removing 1 matchstick out of it…


What was her reply?




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She removed 1 matchstick from E(made it F).
HOTFL i.e Hold On Till Father Leaves.
H – Hold
O – On
T – Till
F – Father 
L – Leaves.



By Kumar

Hi All, I am Ramesh Kumar, author of this blog. I am an IT engineer. I love puzzles and riddles so I decided to publish the same for others like me. If you like puzzles then do subscribe to my email listing. You can also follow me through the website Facebook page . If you like to contact me then use the contact page form, I will reply to your emails ASAP. Thanks

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