Cool Brainteasers Whatsapp Puzzles

Who is the thief?

Alice, Bob, and Chris are taken to the police station for questioning. Detectives know that one of them is the thief and that only one of them tells the truth.


Alice says, “I am not the thief.”
Bob says, “Alice is the thief.”
Chris says, “I am not the thief.”

Who is the thief?


Scroll down to find answer:


Answer is: Chris

Don’t forget that only one of them tells the truth.

Alice T F F
Bob F T F
Chris F F T
  1. If Alice is telling the truth, then Chris is the thief.
  2. If Bob is telling the truth, well, it is impossible because Chris would be telling the truth too.
  3. If Chris is telling the truth, then Alice must be lying, and she must be the thief. But this is impossible, because then Bob would be telling the truth too.

So, Chris is the thief.



By Kumar

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