These questions are tricky but are just for fun. You are in party and wants to have some fun, ask these questions to friends. I am sure they will like these questions.
Q. Where was first potato found?
A. In the ground (where else it can be 😀 )
Q. What can fly but has no wings?
A. Time. (Obviously it does fly)
Q. I am like a ribbon, tied by nature, across the sky. What am I?
A. Rainbow.
Q. Two sons and two fathers went hunting. They succeeded in hunting one pigeon each. On counting it was found that there were only three pigeons. How is that?
A. There were only three person, son,father, grandfather (now you know how were there 2 sons and 2 fathers 😀 ).
Q. Where do fish keep money?
A. At the river bank (just for )
Q. Which is the most shocking city in the world?
A. Electricity (Again just for fun 😀 )
Q. Why Pakistani cricket team were given cigarette lighter?
A. Because they lost all their matches (What were you thinking, don’t think much. It is just for fun)
Q. Which fish lives in heaven?
A. Angel Fish.
Keywords: Funny general knowledge questions, tricky questions, funny tricky questions, GK funny questions, funny gk questions, funny knowledge questions, riddles for whatsapp, tricky puzzles with answers, funny general questions, GK funny question