Cool Brainteasers Math Puzzles

how many animals are going towards river?


One rabbit saw 6 elephants while going towards River.
Every elephant saw 2
monkeys going towards
river. Every monkey holds one
parrot in their hands.

Now tell me
how many animals are going towards river.



Answer: 5 Animals


One rabbit saw 6 elephants while going towards River.
Every elephant saw 2
monkeys(assuming they saw same monkeys) are going towards
river. Every monkey holds one
parrot in their hands.


Other answer can be: 25



One rabbit saw 6 elephants while going towards River.
Every elephant saw 2
monkeys(assuming they saw different monkeys so total 12 monkeys) are going towards
river. Every monkey holds one
parrot(so total 12 parrots) in their hands.



By Kumar

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