Cool Brainteasers Math Puzzles

How many kids?

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Brainteaser : How many kids are in the class?

14 of the kids in the class are girls. 8 of the kids wear blue shirts. 2 of the kids are neither girls or wear a blue shirt.

If 5 of the kids are girls who wear blue shirts then how many kids are in the class?

Try solving it, you just need to put a little effort and would be able to solve it. Just divide the statement and write down numbers 1 by 1.

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Answer: second statement is one which you should concentrate more

14 of the kids in the class are girls.  =  14 Girls

8 of the kids wear blue shirts. = 8 Blue Shirts

2 of the kids are neither girls or wear a blue shirt. = 2 Boys with no blue (not girls) 

If 5 of the kids are girls who wear blue shirts = 5 Girls with blue shirts

14 girls + (8 blue shirts – 5 girls with blue shirts = 3 boys with blue shirt ) + 2 boys with no blue shirts = 19

So answer is 19, there are 14 girls and 5 boys in class.



By Kumar

Hi All, I am Ramesh Kumar, author of this blog. I am an IT engineer. I love puzzles and riddles so I decided to publish the same for others like me. If you like puzzles then do subscribe to my email listing. You can also follow me through the website Facebook page . If you like to contact me then use the contact page form, I will reply to your emails ASAP. Thanks

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