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5 Difficult Riddles That Will Challenge You

5 Difficult Riddles That Will Challenge You


Interested in solving some riddles? We have listed 5 difficult riddles for you to give your brain some exercise. However, the answers are so simple that even a 5th grade student can get. You will be surprised just how easy these riddles but still are tricky enough to challenge you. Share them with family members or friends and see how long it takes them to figure out the answers.


1. I Can Only Live Where There Is Light


What am I riddles


I can only live where there is light, but I die if the light shines on me. What am I?


2. What Flies When It’s Born



What flies when it’s born, lies when it’s alive, and runs when it’s dead?


3. Every Night I’m Told What To Do




Every night I’m told what to do, and each morning I do what i’m told. But I still don’t escape your scold.


4. I’m Always There, Some Distance Away. What Am I?




I’m always there, some distance away. Somewhere between land or sea and sky I lay. You may move towards me, yet distant I stay.


5. I Am A Mother And A Father




I am a mother and a father, but have never given birth. I’m rarely still, but I never wander. What am I?







1. I Can Only Live Where There Is Light –  A Shadow

2. What Flies When It’s Born – A Snow Flake

3. Every Night I’m Told What To Do – An Alarm Clock

4. I’m Always There, Some Distance Away. What Am I? – The Horizon

5. I Am A Mother And A Father – A Tree




By Kumar

Hi All, I am Ramesh Kumar, author of this blog. I am an IT engineer. I love puzzles and riddles so I decided to publish the same for others like me. If you like puzzles then do subscribe to my email listing. You can also follow me through the website Facebook page . If you like to contact me then use the contact page form, I will reply to your emails ASAP. Thanks

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