Cool Brainteasers

Blind man green and blue pills puzzle

A blind man needs to take one blue pull and one green pill, but accidentally mixes together the last two blue pills and two green pills. How can he take the right amount of each pill? Blind man green and blue pills puzzle Also Try: Top 10 simple but tricky riddles for everyone Can you […]

Hindi Riddles Riddles

2917 meaning in hindi riddle

Riddles are good way to pass some free time also give your brain a much needed exercise. 2917 meaning in hindi riddle Dimag Hai to Jawab Do Niche Likhe Line ka Matlab Kya Hai इंदु ●2917 ÷ गये Dimag lagaye 2917 meaning in Hindi Also Try: You can solve many more such riddles, puzzles and […]

Math Puzzles

Tamara Score Math BrainTeaser

In a test there were 26 questions. Eight points were given for each correct answer and five points were deducted for each wronganswer.Tamara answered all questions and scored zero. Find the number of questions she had got correct? Tamara Score Math BrainTeaser Let’s see if you can solve and answer this brainteaser. Hint: Wrong answers […]


Top 10 simple but tricky riddles for everyone

If you need to have some fun away from your work, then what better than trying solving some riddles. Earlier, I published 101 riddles and puzzles which you can try if you want to solve simple but tricky riddles. Here are the top 10 riddles which got many interactions on our Facebook page. Top 10 […]

Find Puzzles

Can you find the hidden crocodile in this picture?

There is a crocodile hidden in this picture. Can you find the hidden crocodile? Picture Source: Let’s see how fast can you find the crocodile? Find the hidden crocodile If you think it was easy to find it, then try these puzzles and see if you can find something hidden: Can you find identical […]

Cool Brainteasers Math Puzzles

Clock Table Penguin Brainteaser Puzzle

Clock Table Penguin Brainteaser Puzzle is like solving math equations. You are given a picture puzzle which has items like clock, table, and a Penguin. You need to figure out what would be answer of last equation. Let’s see if you can solve this. Clock Table Penguin Brainteaser Puzzle Also Try: HOW MANY GIRLS HAVE […]

Cool Brainteasers Logical Puzzles

How many girls have had all these four items brain teaser?

Brain teasers which require a little math and reasoning are always fun to solve. Here is another such brainteaser. You need to find out that How many girls have had all these four items which are bag, shoe, umbrella and ring. 100 girls were attending a party. 85 of them had a red bag, 75 […]

Find Puzzles

Popular Words puzzle Game Level 1-500 Answers

Popular words is a puzzle game where you are asked a fill in the blank question just like you might have seen on tv games show like Family Feud. You can download game from google play or apple App store Also Try: WHO IS THE COIN THIEF PUZZLE Popular Words puzzle Game Level 1-500 Answers […]

Cool Brainteasers

Who is the coin thief puzzle

Here is a new puzzle for you to solve. A coin is stolen, can you find out who the coin thief is? Rammy has a gold coin. One day, his 4 friends, Alex, John, Mark and Niki came to his house for the party. Next day, Rammy found out that his gold coin was missing. […]

Cool Brainteasers Logical Puzzles

Can you decipher the code to open the door?

Have you tried puzzles where you need to decipher the code to open the door or some vault. It is always fun to solve puzzles where you have to crack the code to unlock the lock. These type of puzzles need to some really sharp brain. Here is another such puzzle. Let’s see if you […]