These questions are tricky but are just for fun. You are in party and wants to have some fun, ask these questions to friends. I am sure they will like these questions. Q. Where was first potato found? . . A. In the ground (where else it can be 😀 ) Q. What can fly but has […]
10 Funny General Knowledge Questions With Answers 1. What does come down but never goes up? Answer: Rain Also Try: 5 Difficult Riddles That Will Challenge You 2. What is a Blue Whale’s heart the same size as? Answer: Small Car 3. On a normal computer keyboard with which number does * share a key? Answer: […]
5 Funny and Easy Riddles for All
1. If you have me you want to share me. If you share me, you haven’t got me. What am I?? Answer: It’s a secret 2. When I was 2 years old, my sister was half of my age. Now, I am 100 years old. What is my sister’s age? Answer: Did you think 50? It is 99 […]
1. Bujho Bhaiya Ek Paheli Jab Kaato to Nai Naveli? बूझो भैया एक पहेली, जब काटो तो नयी नवेली ? Answer: पेंसिल (Pencil) 2. Me Maru, Me Katu, Tum kyo Rote ho. Batao main kaun hoon? में मरू, में कटु, तुम क्यों रोते हो. बताओ में कौन हूँ? Answer: प्याज(Onion) 3. Bimar nahi rehti main […]
5 cool riddles for kids
1. Q: How far can a fox run into a grove? A: Only halfway—then he’s running out of it! 2. Q: What has 13 hearts, but no other organs? A: A deck of playing cards. 3. Q: I travel all over the world, but always stay in my corner. What am I? A: A stamp. […]
1. The day before yesterday, Johnny was 6 years old. Next year, he’ll turn 9. How is this possible? Answer: Johnny’s birthday is on December 31st. Today is January 1st. Yesterday, December 31, was Johnny’s 7th birthday. On December 30, he was still Six. This year he will turn 8, and next year he will turn nine […]
John has the same number of brothers as sisters. His sister, Lilee, has twice as many brothers as she has sisters. How many boys and girls are in the family? Answer: 7 (4 Boys and 3 Girls) What letter is next in this sequence? O, T, T, F, F, S, S, E, __ Answer: N […]
Spell the word RADAR. Start on any R. Advance in any direction, forwards or backwards. Follow the lines from letter to letter. You can not skip letters. Question: How many different ways can you spell RADAR? Answer: 80 Start with the R in the top left-hand corner. Go to the A […]
Best optical illusion
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Are you color blind? No?? Then what number do you see in below picture? Scroll down to find answer. Answer: It’s number 5713 for normal people. Did you see correct number?